AgrAbility eNote banner
April 2019


Aaron FenrichLast month, the Michigan AgrAbility e-note showed a picture of a client, Aaron Fenrich, attending a trade show. Aaron has quite a compelling story of how, after leaving the house with "nagging heartburn", he went to work, got into his truck, began driving... realizing something was wrong, called 911, and eventually found out that he was experiencing something much more serious than "nagging heartburn". Read his inspiring story here.

Alpha Gamma Rhodeo formAlpha Gamma Rho - you ROCK! Alpha Gamma Rho Tau Chapter at MSU is hosting its spring fundraiser... the Alpha Gamma Rhodeo on April 14. Once again, Michigan AgrAbility is the beneficiary of their hard work and the generous individuals/groups sponsoring and donating to the event. If you would like to help out, the donation form can be found here.

Michigan AgrAbility staff thanks the Grand Valley State University's physical therapy program for allowing staff to introduce GVSU's PT students to Michigan AgrAbility! Staff made a presentation to the students, who had had the opportunity for questions and hands-on experimentation with the "show and tell" bucket items. The instructor had developed several teaching scenarios, such as: "What if a person with a shoulder injury, who works at a factory, came in for therapy. During the therapy, the patient mentions that it is time to bale hay... what are the PT's next steps?" Several students requested additional brochures to hand out to their "neighbors".

Submitted by Deb Chester