Georgia AgrAbility sponsored a Rehabilitating Farmers and Ranchers with Disabilities workshop for occupational and physical therapists at The Rock Ranch in The Rock, Georgia, May 21-22. This hands-on two-day workshop demonstrated ways to better serve the agricultural population. Therapists learned about farm culture, daily work demands, how to communicate effectively with their patients who are farmers, and about specialized technology solutions.
Education was also found outside of the classroom as staff and participants visited various agricultural operations, including current Georgia AgrAbility client, Danny Sims, with Sims Pond Farms. Danny demonstrated the use of assistive technology and how it helps him daily on his farm. This first-hand experience allowed therapists to see many of the physical tasks and equipment required for a variety of agricultural jobs. The workshop was co-taught by Georgia AgrAbility staff and Georgia AgrAbility non-profit partner The Shepherd Center.
May 14, Georgia AgrAbility held a Rapid Fabrication workshop for physical and occupational therapists. This "make and take" workshop explored different fabrication tools and materials that can be used to create hundreds of assistive technology solutions in minutes. While attending the workshop, participants also learned about the Georgia AgrAbility project and how staff assist clients with assistive technology recommendations and solutions.
Georgia AgrAbility staff participated in the Spring Harvest Festival, May 4, at Farmview Market in Madison, Georgia. Farmview Market offers a specialty grocery store, butcher shop, and farm-to-table café. The market features delicious, locally sourced offerings. Project staff spoke to more than 75 people about AgrAbility at the event.
Submitted by Rebecca Brightwell