Did you know that Michigan has a multi-source, state-wide surveillance system for non-fatal work-related farm injuries? On May 2, 2019, the Journal of Agromedicine published the results of a 2-year study: Multisource surveillance for non-fatal work-related agricultural injuries by Michigan State University's Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MSU OEM) Division, a partner with Michigan AgrAbility. Why the study you ask? Answer: Farms with fewer than 11 employees are not included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics employer-based survey used to produce the U.S. National statistics of work-related injuries. In 2015 and 2016, MSU OEM collected inpatient discharge summaries, emergency department, and hospital-based outpatient clinic records from all 134 of Michigan's hospitals for patients having specific ICD 9 and ICD 10 injury codes. The 2-year results: 1,559 non-fatal work-related farm injury incidents that occurred in 1,525 individuals, with 74% being among men. The most common parts of the body injured were an upper limb (38.2%) and a lower limb (23.7%). The most common types of injury were contusions (26.4%) and fractures (19.9%). Owners/operators accounted for 44.1% and hired hands for 42.9% of individuals injured. Injuries caused by cows were the predominant cause: 472 (31.5%) of all the injuries. Dairy farms accounted for 39.6% of all cases for which the farm type was recorded. Michigan AgrAbility is using this data to identify hazards and target prevention. The study and further information about non-fatal agricultural injuries can be found on the MSU OEM Farm-Related Injuries webpage.
Submitted by Deb Chester