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March 2021

AgrAbility for Africa

Screen shot of a pruple and black window proclaiming - Perspectives in Assistive Technology as part of a Virtual Assistive Technology Faire.Stanford University's Mechanical Engineering Design Group held a virtual assistive technology fair February 25, and the AgrAbility for Africa staff were invited to attend the lecture hosted by David L. Jaffe, an instructor at Stanford University, titled "Perspectives in Assistive Technology." The event provided the team an opportunity to grow and learn more about assistive technology innovations and experiences from different professionals and innovators. In addition, the virtual lecture equipped attendees with resources and knowledge to become activists and advocates of assistive technology, helping to better the lives of farmers faced with disability.

In the quest to expand their outreach and growth, and in response to the current coronavirus travel restrictions and the increased cases of farmer exploitation due to undiagnosed medical conditions, AgrAbility for Africa staff are enhancing their communication and education strategies. Motivated by the positive health outcomes related to improved information access, the team is working on advancing disease and injury knowledge awareness along with issues related to vocational rehabilitation care and support. Staff are doing this by distributing agri-health flyers, posters, and other printed resources. The goal is to reduce the increased cases of exploitation of rural farming communities basing on their medical situations. The initiative is meant to provide students, communities, farmers, and farm workers across the country with resources to help them understand many of the different medical conditions and injuries. This education is provided in the hope that it will enable farming communities to recognize the false traditional healers and so-called "prophets" who would take advantage of their medical ignorance to financially exploit them through the promise of miracle cures and healings. AgrAbility for Africa staff are working on a campaign to seek help from friends and partners to support this information publication and distribution program.

Submitted by Mutumba Faisal