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June 2021

AgrAbility for Africa

African man in black t-shirt & pants & no shoes missing left foot with waist-high brick wall in background and green treesMany farmers faced with disabilities in Uganda and in the East and Central African region often will resort to unconventional solutions to find ways to perform their daily tasks because of lack of access to advanced solutions such as prosthetic limbs, walking aids, and lifting tools, among others. With a mission to increase access to such tools and devices, AgrAbility for Africa staff reached out to a new startup in the East African region, PROJECT CIRCLEG, a prosthetic limb manufacturer, to explore collaboration possibilities on local production. Staff are exploring funding alternatives with a goal of increasing access to limbs by farmers who would otherwise never have had access to them because of resource limitations and lack of availability of custom designed solutions. This should also help to avoid abandonment rates due to secondary injuries.

Sea-green book cover with title in colors of green yellow purple organce red white & black reading Make Stuff AND Love People - Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes - Book III by Therese Wilkomm

Dr Therese Willkomm, now a retired instructor from the University New Hampshire, donated the latest edition of her best-selling guide, Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes- Book III, to support AgrAbility for Africa staff efforts to improve understanding and enhance local assistive technology self-help solutions for farmers, ranchers, and their children with different disabilities for the purpose of improving their productivity and longevity in agriculture.

Submitted by Mutumba Faisal