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September 2021

National AgrAbility Project

People at tables in classroom with PowerPoint slide on screen at frontEd Sheldon and Chuck Baldwin presented for the National AgrAbility Project at the Florida A&M University (FAMU)/LIFE Project 1890s Workshop August 26-27. Georgia AgrAbility was also well-represented by Mason Dean and Kyle Haney who brought down two AgrAbility clients from GA to speak as a farmer panel. The workshop was well-attended with 46 people from eight different states participating.

John Jamerson in straw hat & gray polo shirt speaking to group in classroom with PowerPoint slide on screen behind himThe joint workshop included introductions to co-sponsors AgrAbility, FAMU Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension, and the Legacy Innovation Farming Economics project (LIFE). The LIFE project is a USDA 2501 grant funded project comprised of the Legacy Farming and Health Group (LFHG - John Jamerson), Peoples Foundation (Tameka Peoples), and the NAP.

Bill Begley in blue polo shirt on left demonstrating truck lift to group of Black men on rightMen with face masks on standing under blue canopy looking at aquaponics demonstrationOther highlights included hands-on AT demonstrations by Bill Begley of Life Essentials, an aquaponics demonstration by Gabriel Mont-Reynaud of LFHG, an inspiring session on entrepreneurship and value-Chef Joseph displaying red folder of materials in front of class with 2 black men in front of him and PowerPoint slide behind him saying VALUE ADDED!added products featuring Chef Joseph (Darrell Anderson) of LFHG, and a discussion about the potential benefits of a plant-based diet by Jo Saint-George and Dr. Robert Bowman of the HBCU College of Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine.

woman with long black hair wearing black & white top behind podium with PowerPoint slide about AVAILABLE VR PROGRAMS behind herOther informative sessions included presentations by Florida Division of Voc Rehab, FL Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), Veterans Florida, and Florida-Region Farm Credit.

Black speaker John Jamerson in black polo shirt & straw hat speaking to youth group in auditorium at FAMUIn addition to the workshop for adults, a concurrent conference was held for youth from two local high schools and a number of FAMU college students interested in agriculture with 97 students in attendance! Ed Sheldon, John Jamerson, Bill Begley, Bill Begley back to camera demonstrating truck lift to Black youths in orange shirts in parking lot with girl on lift about 4 ft off the groundGabriel Mont-Reynaud, and others spoke and gave demonstrations to the youth. FL State Representative Kevin Chambliss and FAMU Provost Dr. Maurice Edington spoke with the youth, while Dean Dr. Robert W. Taylor gave the welcome to the adult workshop.

Black woman Vonda Richardson at podium & Black man Dr. Gilber Queeley standing against wall to her left speaking to attendees at FAMU workshop The NAP would like to thank all of those who participated in the planning and implementation of the workshop, with a special thanks to our partners in the LIFE Project, John Jamerson and Tameka Peoples, and to our hosts from FAMU Extension - Dr. Gilbert Queeley, Vonda Richardson, Renysha Harris, Rhonda Miller, Dr. Dreamal Worthen, Cynthia Holloway, Dr. Keith Parker, and the rest of their staff.

Submitted by Chuck Baldwin and Ed Sheldon