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October 2021

AgrAbility for Africa

African man in brown baseball cap brown & white t-shirt and dark pants carrying sack in left hand & 3 fish in right while walking through grass near a lakeClimate change and environmental destruction are affecting farmers with disabilities hardest in many parts of the world. Many people with disabilities are being forced out of the East Africa fishing industry due to dwindling numbers of fish in the freshwater bodies. In response to the challenges, AgrAbility for Africa has teamed up with Uganda Junior Rangers, an environmental education organization, and Aquaculture Research and Development Center (KARDC), an aquaculture research organization in Uganda, to expand and extend aquaculture farming as an alternative accessible farming practice. The partnering organizations will run joint marine education "for children" and support aquaculture project development as an alternative source of income for people faced with disabilities; all in the quest to enhance opportunities for alternative employment for farmers, ranchers, and farm workers impacted by physical limitations.

Access to rehabilitation therapy is a challenge for many rural farmers, farm workers, and their children across Africa. In an effort to badge the gap, on September 23rd, the AgrAbility for Africa staff held a meeting with the administration of Our Lady of Cosolata Kisubi Catholic Hospital in Entebbe, Uganda, to explore the possibility of collaborating to expand care and access for the targeted populations.

Submitted by Mutumba Faisal