AgrAbility eNote banner
October 2021


Slide with dark green banner saying USDA at top and lighter green banner on bottom saying INTRO TO FSAs LOAN PROCESS. 3 pics inbetween of cattle in field-corn field-& blue sky with white cloudsCalifornia AgrAbility staff participated in the first of three Train the Trainers workshops. The topic of the workshop was "Overview of the Farm Loan Application". Amy Neale, farm loan officer trainee with the USDA Farm Service Agency, provided a detailed overview of the various farm loans, farm programs, and the process for obtaining farm loans for new and established farmers and ranchers. Throughout the presentation, Amy provided tips and informational spreadsheets for those looking for more information or to obtain an FSA farm loan.

White backdrop with pic of 4 hands in different positions - open pointing left-open palm up-thumbs up-& closed fist with words at top PACKING FOR THE FIELD...WITH PORTION CONTROLCalifornia AgrAbility staff joined "Food in the Field", a webinar hosted by AgriSafe celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week. Presenters from Nebraska Extension introduced their program, "Food in the Field". The program consists of four recorded online lessons and a recipe video. Session one focuses on making small shifts. Presenters explained that busy seasons of life are not the time for complete eating pattern reconstructions, but they are a great time to get creative in making small shifts to create meals that farmers can enjoy while in the field. One of the small tips shared included making two small shifts to a favorite meal.

Slide map ofUSDA FRSAN regions upper left & box with Box Breathing instructions lower rightCalifornia AgrAbility partners from the Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Network staffed an informational booth at the Farm Aid concert in Connecticut. This concert is the major fundraising event for Farm Aid, a non-profit agency connecting farmers to resources to support their farm operations and consequently supporting farmer mental health. Staff spoke about the different Farmer Rancher Stress Assistance Projects across the country and modeled box breathing techniques attendees could also try.

Submitted by California AgrAbility