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February 2022


Slide with white background and logo of WRASAP on right with UC DAVIS-CALIFORNIA AGRABILITY-USDA-& NIFA logos across bottom advertising WRASAP NETWORK QUARTERLY MEETINGCalifornia AgrAbility hosted the Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP) quarterly networking meeting. Colorado AgrAbility Project's Dr. Bob Fetsch and Chad Reznicek presented on "Advances and Barriers in Increasing Behavioral Health Support for Colorado Farming and Ranching Families." The presentation highlighted Colorado's strengths and needs related to behavioral health support for rural communities with a focus on accepted criteria of accessibility, affordability, and acceptability as a method of evaluation. The speakers discussed initial findings and current efforts to improve the availability of quality behavioral health services tailored to the needs of agricultural communities.

California AgrAbility staff attended the AgrAbility Marketing and Media Community of Interest meeting. Attendees gave feedback on the AgrAbility Virtual State Fair that took place this past October and shared ideas and thoughts for the next one. Before wrapping up, attendees discussed the proposed marketing and media toolkit.

Staff attended the first monthly Puentes Network collaborative meeting of 2022. Attending collaborators included representatives from Winters Healthcare, CREO, Dignity Health, Empower Yolo, and Yolo Cares. Attendees shared updates on their agency and organization programs and plans for the new year. The group discussed new roles and marketing to grow the network. The next Puentes Network collaborative meeting will be held in February.

Submitted by California AgrAbility Project