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February 2022


Slide with TENNESSEE FARM FAMILY HEALTH AND WELLNESS at top then 8 rectangles in greens & oranges with names of health issues.TN AgrAbility presented for a new online learning opportunity: Master Farm Family and Health Wellness Program (MFFHW) is an educational outreach program coordinated by UT Extension Family & Consumer Sciences to provide farm families with the tools to cope and thrive with the unique challenges facing farm families. The first session was "Safety Around the Farm." TN AgrAbility's presentation focused on assistive technology solutions to different challenges and helping prevent secondary injuries. Brian Robinson with the TN Association of Rescue Squads presented on safety around farm equipment, moving farm equipment, farmer first aid (shock, heat stroke, hypothermia, trauma), and livestock handling safety. This eight-week program will help producers and farm families gain knowledge while also giving them a new area of participation as they continue to find ways to include the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) cost-share program on their farms.

Classroom with red tablecloths on student tables - green cloth on teacher table - with PowerPoint slide on front wall - Finis Stribling teaching.One unique way that TN AgrAbility assists beginning farmers with disabilities is by encouraging them to attend the TN New Farmer Academy with TNAP's partner, TN State University Extension. TN AgrAbility offers scholarships for beginning farmers or veterans with disabilities to attend. Finis Stribling, who started the academy, is also the Tennessee AgrAbility Project director for TSU Extension. He emphasizes the importance of utilizing AgrAbility, if needed, and all the assistive technology services available so farmers can continue doing what they love. Plus, the Tennessee New Farmer Academy is an opportunity to introduce beginning farmers to a little bit of all types of Tennessee farming with hands-on experiences. Three Tennessee New Farmer Academies across the state are now accepting new students for the March 2022 classes:

TNAP also encourages farmers nationwide to attend a financial class that is another new online educational program University of Tennessee Extension uniquely designed to help beginning farmers or individuals starting a new venture in agriculture. "UT Farming Fundamentals" provides participants with resources and information on the essential principles needed to build a successful operation. Find out more about this program that farmers can do at their own pace:

3 men in hard hats standing or sitting on grain & working with a white rescue tube. Blue sky in background.January ended with the first TN Grain Bin Safety/Rescue Awareness Training for 2022. The event was coordinated by TN AgrAbility and UT TSU Extension (Chester, Decatur, Hardin & Henderson Counties) with instruction by Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads (TARS). The participants included ag producers and rescue personnel. Each one learned the roles they were responsible for in case of a grain bin entrapment. Sponsors for the event: Goddard Family Endowment, Roger's Farm Supply, Chester County Grain, AG Services, and Faulkner Family Farm, LLC. A Chester County ag producer said: "Usually when I do have to pay a registration fee to attend a training, it is worthless. This training was great. I learned a lot, and the instructors were very professional. I have never had this type of training on grain bins and what do to do in case of an entrapment. I am spreading the word." And according to the UT Extension Chester County ANR agent, the ag producer is still talking about the training.

Submitted by Tennessee AgrAbility Project