Ohio AgrAbility presented information on OAP services, vocational rehabilitation, and accommodating farmers with disabilities to a class of occupational therapists at Wilmington College. Wilmington College has recently started a rural-focused OT program, and AgrAbility staff are eager to develop collaborative opportunities with the program and students. In addition to giving an overview of accommodations and assistive technology, OAP staff presented the OTs with three scenarios based on OAP farmers and asked the OTs what AT, modifications, and task-based changes they might recommend to the farmers. Students were also asked to come up with several questions they would ask these farmers about their work, farms, equipment, and disabilities or limitations. Students were encouraged to think of ways they could work with Ohio AgrAbility, such as developing OAP resources and talking points for OTs and medical professionals, and social media campaigns about safety and good body mechanics for farming.
Ohio AgrAbility, Kansas AgrAbility, and Alaska AgrAbility recently wrote a self-determined 4-H project publication: Disability Advocacy and Awareness, which has been published on the Ohio State University Extension 4-H website: https://ohio4h.org/selfdetermined
Self-determined 4-H projects are projects for members who have a great project idea of their own or who want to work beyond a current project book. Disability Advocacy and Awareness has four topic areas: Person First, Safety, Service and Advocacy, and Wellness and Lifestyle. The idea starter also includes a Person First Survey, a Community Survey Checklist, and a Greenhouse Activity.
Submitted by Laura Akgerman