AgrAbility eNote banner
October 2022


NE AgrAbility banner and table in large room with elderly man standing behind table and woman in pink top looking at displayNebraska AgrAbility was given an opportunity to share the program during the Midwest Resilience and Emergency Preparedness Conference in Lincoln. Emergency managers, health care providers, Nebraska voluntary organizations active in disasters, business representatives, and NGOs like the American Red Cross were in attendance. John Davis spent two days at the booth visiting with attendees and sharing information about Nebraska AgrAbility. In her keynote address, Kim Nelson from SAMSHA Region 7 mentioned how happy she was to see organizations like Nebraska AgrAbility represented at the conference, and noted the importance of engaging in conversations with rural communities and those that serve them. John shared, "Looking at how AgrAbility fits into the disaster response area, I see us being part of the long-term recovery process for those facing new challenges. Clients with existing disabilities may also need additional assistance we can help provide after a disaster. There may also be opportunities for others to become candidates for our services." The Nebraska Preparedness Partnership provided Nebraska AgrAbility space for no cost; the value of this space was $1,000.

Submitted by Soni Cochran