AgrAbility eNote banner
November 2022


Florida's first-ever AgrAbility project has been initiated by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida (CILNCF). The CILNCF is a non-profit disability resource center serving people of all ages and disabilities for over 40 years. Florida AgrAbility is hiring a case coordinator who will be the key staff for the program.

Florida AgrAbility attended the Extension Professionals Association of Florida Conference at the end of August. This was an opportunity to briefly introduce the AgrAbility project to the Extension professionals. Georgia AgrAbility invited Florida AgrAbility to the Sunbelt Ag Expo in October. Georgia AgrAbility provided information on their program and Florida AgrAbility staff met with many potential clients during the expo.

Submitted by Florida AgrAbility Project