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March 2023

AgrAbility for Africa

The AgrAbility for Africa staff has run a survey to assess the state of disability funding and support systems across Africa. The data will be used to help advocate for improvement of health, education, and employment benefits for people and children with disabilities in rural Africa.

The survey ran between March 8th and 14th, 2023. Findings from the assessment will be presented at the forthcoming AgrAbility National Training Workshop taking place in Spoken, Washington, between March 20-23 .

The assessment is two-phased: Part 1 was online, and Part 2 will be in-person. The in-person survey phase is meant to enhance inclusiveness of results, as AgrAbility for Africa believes it is important to include everyone in the conversion, even persons with disabilities with no access to digital technologies. Support is welcome to enable the implementation of Part 2 of the survey.

Everyone is welcome to meet the AgrAbility for Africa team in Spokane, Washington, to find out more details on how to support an inclusive African disability policy agenda.

Mutumba Faisal sitting with other participants at round tables in Uganda Ministry of Health meetingAgrAbility for Africa staff members were invited to a consultative meeting in the Uganda Ministry of Health to participate in the government efforts to improve rehabilitation care and access in Uganda. The staff were happy to contribute to the discussion. The team shared with the stakeholders the national rehabilitation gaps and opportunities, and hope their contribution will be of great value and will positively contribute to the achievement of the 2024 -2030 strategic mission of having universal rehabilitation care access for all persons in Uganda.

Submitted by Mutumba Faisal