AgrAbility eNote banner
May 2023


Emily Jacobson using toy UTVs to demonstrate safety to a group of boys and girlsEmily Jacobspon holding a toy UTV behind an AgrAbility table to demostrate safetyEmily Jacobson presented ATV safety during Youth Safety Days in Boone and Nance counties. She reports that students were engaged in the subject and had excellent questions. Students learned the difference between ATVs and UTVs, that ATVs are designed for one rider only, and that youth must be age 16 to drive a full-sized Emily Jacobson on right looking at group of boys and girls in white t-shirts sitting at long white tablesATV. Students also learned about the importance of tire pressure, navigating terrain, and wearing helmets. Nearly 200 students participated in the event.

Nebraska AgrAbility hosted the annual Nebraska AgrAbility Advisory Council meeting on April 5 in Kearney. Advisory Council members include VR, NCBVI, clients, caregivers, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, occupational therapists, physical therapists, Assistive Technology Partnership, Hydrabed dealers, cattlemen, Farm Bureau, Amputee Coalition peer volunteer, Center for Rural Affairs, nurse, and veteran groups. The council members are appreciated for their willingness to attend this meeting and assist the team throughout the year.

Meeting discussions included peer training and actively engaging the council through quarterly meetings. The Nebraska AgrAbility team reviewed current work and accomplishments, and shared ideas on how the council members can provide added support. Emily created a promotional kit for each council member to use and take to smaller events in their communities or to share with individuals wanting to learn more about AgrAbility. The kits include brochures, business cards, an elevator speech, table tent, and more. With these kits, council members are able to provide outreach across Nebraska.

The annual meeting was a terrific opportunity to collaborate. The team looks forward to working with the council on their peer training, collaborating on future projects, and continuing these statewide efforts to bring awareness to AgrAbility.

Submitted by Soni Cochran