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July 2023


Missouri AgrAbility marketing, networking, and assisting client farmers and their families' activities during June 2023 included:

Liz Harrison and Tina Edholm, both of Health and Human Sciences at the University of Missouri Extension, attended the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture (CCUA) Field Day on Sunday, June 25th. They chatted with approximately 75 rural and urban community members during the 5-hour event. Tina offered Missouri AgrAbility information as well as mental wellness resources, teletherapy cards, 988 business cards, and water bottles, while Liz provided information on upcoming nutrition and health courses and healthy recipes.

Debi Kelly writing on a form at an AgrAbility display table next to Karen Funkenbusch with a veteran farmer in front of the table looking onMU Extension field and campus faculty attended the 3rd Annual Veterans Resource Fair hosted by the CCUA with sponsorship from the Wounded Warrior Project. This FREE event featured local employers looking to recruit, community resources, social organizations, extension programs, and activity groups for veterans and their families. Debi Kelly, field specialist in horticulture, Adauto Rocha, assistant Extension professor and, Karen Funkenbusch, director Missouri AgrAbility Project, all from MU Extension, as well as L to R - Adauta Rocha - Adauta's friend - Debi Kelly - Karen Funkenbusch - Eric Work veteran volunteer Eric Work facilitated questions and handed out resources for MO AgrAbility on accessible beekeeping, Heroes to Hives Missouri Chapter, farm and ranch stress, suicide prevention, farm safety, and other education-based agricultural materials for farmers with disabilities, socially disadvantaged, and beginning veteran farmers and their families.

Jenna Korff is wrapping up her internship with Missouri AgrAbility at the University of Missouri Extension. A student at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Jenna is working toward a degree in health sciences with an emphasis in rehabilitation science, and minoring in human development and family science. Her Missouri AgrAbility internship project includes assisting with onsite farmstead assessments, collecting and entering demographic client data, and designing three education-based resources for client farmers and their families. Her final resources will be shared in the August AgrAbility e-Note.

Submitted by Tina Edholm, Eric Work, Jenna Korff, Susan Jaster, and Karen Funkenbusch

Missouri AgrAbility marketing and networking activities during June 2023 included:

Submitted by Maureen Cunningham