AgrAbility eNote banner
September 2023


Woman with a little boy in front of her looking at tabletop display under a tentOhio AgrAbility staff were busy with outreach events in August. The Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, Ohio, hosted Farm Days August 8 - 13. Ohio AgrAbility and OSU Ag Safety and Health's program's Farm Hazard Hunt was a big hit with attendees. The Hazard Hunt is a farm diorama with at least 20 hazards or unsafe practices. The kids wanted the vehicles from the hunt, and several attendees pointed out hazards that related to their own occupations - power company, OSHA, factory supervisor, nurses, and insurance claim specialists. Other exhibits at Farm Days included farm machinery, a life-sized dairy cow that kids (and adults) "milked," and an interactive seed planting activity with OSU Master Gardener volunteers. OAP staff had many good conversations with attendees, and received thanks for the work that AgrAbility does with farmers with disabilities.

Submitted by Laura Akgerman