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October 2023

AgrAbility for Africa

Mutumba Faisal looking at rubble at site of new cement brick buildingMutumba Faisal standing inside beginnings of a cement brick buildingThe staff of AgrAbility for Africa held the Africa training workshop in 2023 to foster networking and support for farmer services. Following the inaugural workshop, the AgrAbility for Africa staff are working to establish a capacity and direct support center facility for low-tech assistive technology development in Uganda. This would be the first of its kind in Africa. The goal is to increase the likelihood that people with disabilities, including veterans and their families engaged in production agriculture, receive timely services.

This is in response to the needs of farmers for rehabilitation, business, and other individual requirements, and is part of the overall effort to support program adaptation within African communities.

As the primary method of food production on the continent, traditional "hand hoe" farming prevents many people from participating in it. However, for the agricultural sector to become inclusive, it needs to be mechanized by the introduction of new farming technologies. To encourage inclusion, the AgrAbility for Africa staff is researching accessible farm practices with the goal of establishing a model farm.

Submitted by Mutumba Faisal