AgrAbility eNote banner
November 2023


2 men in powered wheelchairs under a tent talking with 3 other people including Dee Jepsen while enjoying icecreamOver the years, the Ohio AgrAbility Program has sponsored collegiate capstone projects. Some projects are specific for undergraduate engineering students, and some are for occupational therapy or public health students. In all cases, this opportunity broadens the perspectives on disability awareness, both for the student teams and for the AgrAbility staff. Capstone projects are an opportunity to work together and bridge the gaps between the classroom and the industry or professional communities. Students apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout their academic coursework to solve real-world, open-ended disability-services problems. During their project, students work with AgrAbility staff, farmers, and other industry members to gain experience about a limiting condition or barrier that exists in agriculture. Many of their projects can lead to new technologies or other innovations outside of the university. Typical outcomes include written reports, design prototypes, and professional communication to sponsors and the community. It's hard to determine who is the true benefactor of efforts: the students, the AgrAbility program, or the farmers.

Submitted by Dee Jepsen