November 3, Betty Rodriguez trained NC AgrAbility colleagues on an "Overview of the Demographic Report and Farm Assessment Tool." This training provided an overview of the definition of terminology, how to navigate the data collection Excel sheet, the disability chart and codes, and the importance of consistency in how the information is collected in the farm assessment tool to match the questions in the demographic report.
November 11 - 13, NC AgrAbility participated as an exhibitor at the 38th Sustainable Agriculture Conference hosted by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association in Durham, NC. The conference is the largest and longest sustainable agriculture meeting in the Southeast, aiming to provide learning opportunities on how to transform the local food
system-from land access and sustainable production to advancing equity and improving access to local food. This year, the event attracted around 1000 attendees from South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina.
Submitted by Beatriz (Betty) Rodriguez