Emily also supported a potential client looking for poultry resources. She referred the client to easy coop plans as well as grant opportunities through Northwest Access Fund. Emily will be tabling at the Columbia Gorge Invasive Species and Exotic Pest Workshop in Stevenson, WA, and will be distributing AgrAbility materials.
Deb Eidsness, Washington AgrAbility co-coordinator, attended the Multi County Annual Growers Recertification Meeting at the Skagit Valley College, as well as the Skagit County Ag Summit in Mount Vernon, WA. Deb also attended an Annual Sod Workshop and a multi-species livestock clinic in Stanwood, WA. Deb tabled at all of the events with assistive technology items and information about AgrAbility.
Alyssa Wade, Washington AgrAbility co-coordinator, attended the Spokane Ag Expo in Spokane, WA. Washington State University had its College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resources Sciences, Extension, 4-H, and other programs all in attendance at the Expo. Alyssa shared AgrAbility and farm stress information to hundreds of farmers, farmworkers, and other people interested in agriculture.
Submitted by Alyssa Wade