AgrAbility eNote banner
May 2024


Man holding a human skeleton standing in front of a group of people and teaching themMaine AgrAbility staff connected with the Merrymeeting Food Council group to present a safe movement and ergonomics workshop to beginning and new farmers. Staff presented about joint mobility, compressive forces, and posture and offered helpful information on moving safely in farming work. A discussion on ergonomic tools and a movement/micro-break session was led. Participants had the opportunity to explore ergonomic tools and try stretches featured on the "Yoga for Farmers" poster.

Man standing in a shop with a human skeleton seated in a chair next to himMan standing in large building teaching a group seated on folding chairsAgrAbility staff presented at the Professional Logging Contractors' safety training day in Strong, ME. Three sessions were held throughout the day. Loggers and logging contractors discussed injuries, shoulder joint mobility, and protecting the shoulder as they work. Staff observed and participated in throwing strap and cable over loaded logging trucks with attendees.

Woman demonstrating tractor safety with toy tractor to 2 men standing with backs to camera & 1  seated on rightMaine AgrAbility staff have participated in youth tractor safety classes in Kennebec County, ME. AgrAbility staff demonstrated ROPS and seatbelt safety to participants with models. Additionally, staff gave a presentation on general farm safety and tractor safety including pinch, shear, wrap, and crush points.

Submitted by Bella Russo