Emily Doosing, 4-H specialist and outreach coordinator with Missouri AgrAbility, continues to work on 4-H Clown Colleges in summer school programs throughout the Southeast region, including Butler, Carter, Oregon, Reynolds, Ripley, and Shannon counties. Staff are beginning to transition planning to "4-H Days at the Lake" in collaboration with the Army Corp of Engineers at Lake Wappapello. The 4-H days at the Lake Day Camp series will include shooting sports safety; wilderness survival; first aid basics; fire prevention/safety and how to put out a fire; drowning prevention; wildlife safety: snakes, ticks, and other threats; boat safety; ATV roll-over prevention; poisoning prevention; grain bin safety; suicide prevention; and equity and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Collaborators include Butler County 4-H Shooting Sports, Twisted Arrow Archery, Melvin Boyer's Survival, Stoddard County EMS, Butler County Fire and Rescue, Missouri Water Patrol, Missouri Department of Conservation, the Army Corp of Engineers, Missouri Highway Patrol, Butler County Health Department, Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center, and Ozark Independent Living. This 4-H series will begin August 7th. The 4-H program is funded by the Summer Enrichment Grant.
Mackenzie Bevins, occupational therapy student with the department of occupational therapy at the University of Missouri continues to complete her doctoral capstone with Missouri AgrAbility. Karen Funkenbusch with the University of Missouri Extension serves as doctoral capstone site mentor and is project director for Missouri AgrAbility while Dr. Gina Pifer serves as doctoral capstone coordinator, also with the department of occupational therapy at the University of Missouri.
Submitted by Emily Doosing, Elizabeth Picking, Brenda Schreck, and Karen Funkenbusch
Missouri AgrAbility was incorporated into the BIA-MO Camp for Survivors of Brain Injury and Family Members as the agriculture track sponsor. The featured arts and crafts project was planting marigolds. Participants enjoyed learning about growing marigolds and planting marigold seeds in an AgrAbility labeled container for growing their initial marigold plant for harvesting seeds for future growing.
Submitted by Maureen Cunningham