TN AgrAbility, TN Association of Rescue Squads (TARS), Southern Ag Exchange Network (SAgE), TriGreen Equipment, and Farm Credit Mid-America partnered for the 13th TN Grain Bin Safety/Rescue Awareness Training for 55 rescue personnel and ag producers with a special program, with 116 in attendance, added to the agenda: "Bringing Purpose Through Pain - Legacy of Shawn Hudson Corum." Shawn passed away June 2, 2018, at the age of five due to a grain auger accident. Carla Corum, Hudson's mom, said her faith in God has helped her and her family cope with losing a son and brother. She is an advocate for farm safety programs and mental health trainings for family members dealing with loss as well as first responders who deal with tragedies every day. Through her voice and actions, Shawn Hudson Corum, an avid John Deere fan, will continue to be remembered and save lives. A panel consisted of onsite accident (Hudson) rescue personnel and farmers, TN Fire Chaplain, Carla Corum and a mental health professional and Brian Robinson (TARS) as moderator in Williamson County, TN. Each one told their story, their part and how they dealt with the accident. The latter program brought the mission and purpose of why these trainings, as well as advanced grain bin and mental health trainings, are necessary. TARS State Training Coordinator, Brian Robinson presented the idea to TNAP staff to bring these two programs together in one location, after Carla contacted him, stating she was ready to tell Hudson's story.
Farm mom shares tragic loss to promote grain bin safety awareness - RFD-TV (
Shelby Bawcum, one of the STAR Center's newest assistive technology specialists, and Eileen Legault, one of University of TN AgrAbility area specialists, represented TN at the 2024 assistive technology professional training in Arbor, MI. Thank you to Ned Stoller, Tess McKeel, and MI AgrAbility for hosting - plus the Mamarow family for sharing their stories and opening their farm. The training enabled attendees to enhance the level of services being provided and assist with the development of new resources for TN AgrAbility farmers. Technology is always improving and changing. A few highlights of the educational sessions included: new disability etiquette; medical conditions; assessment models, interview skills, observations, and reporting; and assistive technology for farming. Ned, an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP)with Michigan AgrAbility, is working with the National AgrAbility Project and the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) for additional specialized ATP trainings. Look forward to more training resources.
UT Gardens, Frontline Gardens, Appalachian Sustainable Development, and TNAP hosted a veteran horticultural therapy (HT) workshop with three Virginia and five TN farmers. Veterans exposed to nature and gardening have been shown to improve mental health outcomes. Attendees learned about garden planning and management, succulent planting, microgreens, propagation, hands-on HT activities and various resources, including the Farmer Veteran Coalition of TN and TNAP. Thank you to Northeast State Community College Student Veteran Center for hosting us.
Congratulations to the STAR Center, TN AgrAbility's nonprofit partner, on winning the Tennessee Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) award at the 2024 Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award at the International AER Conference in North Carolina! AER supports the professionals in the fields of low vision and blindness services for the end goal of better quality and access for the people we serve. Christie Elliott serves as the president-elect for this outstanding AER board and chapter for STAR Center! Staff are so proud of her and this accomplishment!
TN AgrAbility, STAR Center, the Ky Raising Hope Team, and Gibson County Farm Bureau Women's Leadership group partnered to exhibit safety, health, rescue, and nutrition (ice cream on a hot day) at the 33rd Milan No-Till Field Day, with 1257 in attendance. Those who received a handshake from Dale Dobson of KY more than likely received not only a handshake but a hug and challenge coin and were also told they are important, they matter, and they are loved, and if they ever begin to think any differently, there is help. A weed puller was demonstrated at the Milan No Till Field Day by Laine McGee with USDA NRCS. See video of the weed puller demonstration here.
Submitted by TN AgrAbility