AgrAbility eNote banner
September 2024


Four women comprising the NE AgrAbility state fair teamNebraska AgrAbility had a strong presence during "Older Nebraskans Day" at the Nebraska State Fair. The booth was in the Raising Nebraska Building, and the team had many opportunities to engage with fairgoers. People learned about AgrAbility services and safety on the farm and ranch, and the team networked with Emily talking with fairgoers at the NE AgrAbility boothother organizations to share information about AgrAbility. Walk-through traffic at the event was down from previous years as a public forum was being held in the same building led by Nebraska senator and former Nebraska governor Pete Ricketts. Emily Jacobson, Kara Brichacek, Teresa Duffek, and Soni Cochran teamed up to represent Nebraska AgrAbility at the fair! It was a great time!

A farmer in a motorized wheelchair next to a seated woman on a sidewalk with a red barn behind them being filmed by an RFD TV crewEmily has been working with Nebraska AgrAbility advisory member Jay Ferris on the legislative bill to continue funding assistive technology for farmers and ranchers. Jay is a member of the Nebraska Farm Bureau. Emily also shares that she got to hang out with AgrAbility clients and the RFD-TV crew to capture a client success story! Staff can look forward to more of these stories in the future.

Submitted by Soni Cochran