Save the Date - AgrAbility All-Staff Call May 26 at 3:00 p.m. EDT, 866-803-2444. Michael O'Gorman, Executive Director of the Farmer Veteran Coalition, is the featured presenter.
Registration is open for the Arthritis, Agriculture, and Rural Life: State of the Art Research, Practices, and Applications Conference (AARL Conference), which will be held at the Purdue University Beck Center in West Lafayette, IN May 11-13. more
Save the Date! Join us as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of AgrAbility at the 2011 AgrAbility National Training Workshop. more
Remember to get your proposals in for your state to host the 2012 National Training Workshop! more
The NAP is currently accepting proposals for session presentations for the 2011 National Training Workshop. more
The Journal of Agromedicine recently featured three articles on AgrAbility, including two peer-reviewed papers by AgrAbility staff members. more
Two-pocket glossy folders with the AgrAbility logo on the front are now available for $0.90 each plus shipping. Contact Kylie Hendress
The Mental/Behavioral Health Community of Interest is scheduled to host a discussion on traumatic brain injury with Anna Garrett, Executive Director of the Indiana Brain Injury Association, and Dr. Lance Trexler, neuropsychologist and Director, Department of Rehabilitation Neuro-psychology and Program Director for Neurobehavioral Services at the
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, on May 3 at 1:00 p.m. EDT.
CalAgrAbility and the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers have been collaborating on conducting training workshops for all AT Advocate Managers in California. more
The Woodland Family Resource Center has also requested farming with arthritis workshops, asking for seminars regarding work with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and exercise and arthritis.
The Team also traveled to the Central Coast to conduct a 3-hour educational in-service training for Puente staff in March. more
Several CalAg consumers were awarded scholarships to attend the 21st Annual California Small Farm Conference held in San Jose in March. more
The Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is piloting a project with Colorado AgrAbility (CAP) to facilitate the DVR process for most CAP clients. more
CAP staff hosted a booth at the 29th Annual Four States Ag Expo in Cortez, CO on March 16-19, 2011. more
Steve Swain, rural rehabilitation specialist for Indiana AgrAbility, conducted a training at the Area IV Agency on Aging and Community Action Program advisory board meeting in March. more
Throughout March, Kylie Hendress, engagement coordinator for Indiana AgrAbility, continued giving presentations at various events, including Extension Educator area meetings, a pesticide applicator certification meeting, and a Farmer’s Share Breakfast. more
On March 9, Jan Johnston presented “AgrAbility for the Sight Impaired” at the Sapulpa 20/20 Vision Club. more
OK AgrAbility distributed a press release announcing the AgrAbility Day at the Capitol. more
Vermont Center for Independent Living has had important networking meetings with several groups. more
Wisconsin Public Service Show, a large farm show in Oshkosh, took place March 29-31. more
Cory McGregor, an AgrAbility staff member and Independent Living Program Manager of Wyoming Services for Independent Living, recently received the annual Linda Gonzales Award from APRIL, the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living.
Welcome to Julie York, the new program coordinator for Oklahoma AgrAbility. Email: Look for more info in the Oklahoma AgrAbility newsletter.
Click here for news stories featuring AgrAbility projects.
Click here for other news of interest to AgrAbility staff members.
Problems? Contact Clifford Racz, National AgrAbility Project,