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February 2009

National AgrAbility Project News

With financial support from NEC Foundation of America, the NAP is developing a Nationwide Assistive Technology Awareness/Education Program for Rural Youth. More

The family of a recently deceased New York farmer would like to donate his tractor lift to an AgrAbility customer. More

The National AgrAbility Project (NAP) recently collaborated with Kentucky AgrAbility to host a display at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY, the nation’s largest indoor farm show. More

State and Regional AgrAbility Project News


The Delaware/Maryland AgrAbility Project hosted a Back Safety Workshop on February 11, 2009, after noting that back injuries are the leading cause of disability in their project area More


Indiana AgrAbility Project/Breaking New Ground Outreach Program staffed displays at two major agricultural expositions in Indiana More


Missouri AgrAbility staff members facilitated three presentations to case managers working with the Missouri Veterans Administration More

Missouri AgrAbility staff members provided three presentations at “A Joint Effort” workshop for arthritis educators, hosted by the CDC's statewide Missouri Arthritis and Osteoporosis Program More

Jackie Allenbrand, AgrAbility Outreach Coordinator in the Northwest Region, showcased the Missouri AgrAbility Project at a local farm show. More


AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians participated in the Penn State senior engineering design project kick-off. More


Staff Changes

No staff changes this month.

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Problems? Contact Clifford Racz, National AgrAbility Project,